

About facebook.com
Age: 24 year
Domain Expires:  30th March, 2028
Domain Created: 29th March, 1997
Domain Updated: 10th March, 2020
Yearly Visitors (Unique):    58,033,915,955
Monthly Visitors (Unique):  4,839,368,739
Daily Visitors (Unique):      158,997,034

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Daily Revenue:          $2,196,657 USD
Monthly Revenue:      $66,859,139 USD
Yearly Revenue:         $801,777,637 USD
Server Location
Server IP Address:
Continent:             Europe
Country:                Ireland
Lunguage:              English Irish


This is a free and comprehensive report about facebook.com. The domain facebook.com is currently hosted on a server located in Ireland with the IP address, where EUR is the local currency and the local language is English. Our records indicate that facebook.com is owned/operated by Facebook, Inc.. Facebook.com is expected to earn an estimated $2,196,651 USD per day from advertising revenue. The sale of facebook.com would possibly be worth $1,603,555,278 USD. This figure is based on the daily revenue potential of the website over a 24 month period. Facebook.com receives an estimated 158,997,030 unique visitors every day - an unbelievable amount of traffic! This report was last updated 30th March, 2021.
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