
Age: 23 year
Domain Expires:  30th March, 2028
Domain Created:     15th September, 1997
Domain Updated:   9th September, 2019
Yearly Visitors (Unique):    173,532,370,480
Monthly Visitors (Unique):  14,470,626,611
Daily Visitors (Unique):   475,431,152
Daily Revenue:          $6,568,409 USD
Monthly Revenue:      $199,921,459 USD
Yearly Revenue:         $2,397,466,577 USD
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Server Location
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Continent:          North America
Country:                United States
Lunguage:              English 

What is google.com?
Google.com is just one of many domains home to the search engine known famously since the early 2000's as Google. The Google search engine offers extensive and highly responsive search tools for people of all ages, including search by keyword, image, video and more. Google is undeniably the most popular search engine in the world with the dominant share of the internet's search market. Google's services are highly integrated into most peoples lives today and are just some of the offerings by Alphabet Inc. (the parent company which owns Google).


This is a free and comprehensive report about google.com. Google.com is hosted in United States on a server with an IP address of, where USD is the local currency and the local language is English. Our records indicate that google.com is owned/operated by Google LLC. Google.com is expected to earn an estimated $6,568,402 USD per day from advertising revenue. The sale of google.com would possibly be worth $4,794,933,151 USD. This figure is based on the daily revenue potential of the website over a 24 month period. Google.com is unbelievably popular with an estimated 475,431,152 daily unique visitors. This report was last updated 30th March, 2021.

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I am a new member of Google bloggers. I am interested to learning knowledge and spread/share my ideas and knowledge in over the world.


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  • Muhammad IqbalMaster / Computers
  • Shehbaz iqbalMaster / Computers
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