
Youtube Description

YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide!

Age 16years
Domain Expires:  30th March, 2028
Domain Created:     14th January, 2021
Domain Updated:   14th February, 2022
Yearly Visitors (Unique):    110,786,656,390
Monthly Visitors (Unique):  9,238,347,481
Daily Visitors (Unique):   303,525,082


Daily Revenue:    $4,193,409 USD

Monthly Revenue:      $127,633,999 USD
Yearly Revenue:         $1,530,592,277 USD

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Country:                United States
Language:              English

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The domain youtube.com is currently hosted on a server located in United States with the IP address, where the local currency is USD and English is the local language. Our records indicate that youtube.com is owned/operated by Google LLC. Youtube.com is expected to earn an estimated $4,193,403 USD per day from advertising revenue. The sale of youtube.com would possibly be worth $3,061,184,553 USD. This figure is based on the daily revenue potential of the website over a 24 month period. Youtube.com is unbelievably popular with an estimated 303,525,086 daily unique visitors. This report was last updated 30th March, 2021.

I am a new member of Google bloggers. I am interested to learning knowledge and spread/share my ideas and knowledge in over the world.


Our Team

  • Muhammad Ali Master / Computers
  • Muhammad IqbalMaster / Computers
  • Shehbaz iqbalMaster / Computers
  • Zoya iqbalMaster / Computers
  • Junaid iqbalMaster / Computers
  • Shahzad IqbalMaster / Computers
  • Copyrights @ Al-Shehbaz-Iqbal-hacker-group